One of Us is Lying About Something (17+)
(This is a rewriting/fan fic about One of Us Is Lying)
Breakfast Club vs One of Us is Lying
Nate Macauley = John Bender but if his mother abandoned him so she could curb her cocaine addiction, and if his father didnt beat him
Cooper Clay = Andrew Clark but if Andy was gay and a blond southern USA baseball player
Addy Prestiss = Claire Standish but if Claire’s mother was apatehic to her kid and her husband not being around them
Bronwyn Rojas = gender-flipped hispanic Brian Johnson
Simon Kelleher = gender-flipped Allison Reynolds but if Allison owns a website devoted to ruining lifes
Why Haven’t I Known? (One of Us is Lying Fanfic) (PART 1)
(note, this is nothing but an fanfic, its through Nate Macauley, Maeve Rojas, Eric Kelleher (he’s an original character by me), Cooper Clay, Ryan Macauley (he’s an original character by me), and Jake Riordan’s mind)
(TW:Suicide, attempted rape, and attempted murder)
Its in progress
Nate Macauley
13:13, Saturday, October 28th, 2017
Its been 2 days after Jake got sent to juvinile detention for attempting to murder Addy Prestiss. I’m glad that has been over with, because being sent to juvie was fuckin’ horrifying. First off, most of the prisoners in juvie were above 18 years old, and second, they tried to rape me in the showers for no goddamn reason.
Brad:Nate, your phone is ringing.
God, I hope that this phone call isnt from Simon’s mother or brot…